Tarikh Selamat Hari Ibu

– Selamat Hari Ibu. Ibu engkau selalu menjagaku. Hidup terasa hampa tanpamu. Dan aku bukan siapa-siapa tanpamu. – Selamat Hari Ibu. Bu, bersabarlah. Sesungguhnya letih dan lelahmu adalah ladang pahalamu. Selamat Hari Ibu. Seorang ibu adalah orang yang tetap ada ketika orang lain meninggalkan kita. – Selamat Hari Ibu. Tarikh sambutan hari ibu 2012 di Malaysia jatuh pada 13 Mei 2012. Selamat Hari Ibu diucapkan kepada semua ibu-ibu di dunia. Untuk pengetahuan anda, sambutan hari ibu disetiap negara adalah berbeza. Kepada anda, jangan lupa buat persiapan atau ucapan sempena hari ibu nanti.

Selamat Hari Lahir Ibu! Moga selamat sejahtera Ibu di dunia akhirat, dimurahkan rezki, dipermudah urusan, dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik, diberkati dan terus menerus dalam ibadah kepadaNya…

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Terima kasih ibu atas segala penat lelah dan pengorbanan ibu, mengandungkan, melahirkan, membesarkan dan mendidik kami anak-anak ibu. Sungguh, tidak dapat kami balas jasa dan kasih sayang ibu.

Setitis peluh, sehela nafas ibu, setitis darah ibu ketika melahirkan kami itu pun tak dapat kami balas. Moga berbahagialah ibu sentiasa dan moga Allah merahmati ibu selama-lamanya hingga ke syurga…

Happy Birthday Mom Funny

Tarikh Selamat Hari Ibu Quotes

It’s hard to think of the perfect gift when you already have my heart. How can cakes and presents even compare? Thank you for raising and loving me this much.

Tarikh Selamat Hari Ibu Tanggal

Yes! Your face is filled with wrinkles… You’re still as beautiful as ever! Yes! Your breasts are saggy… They were once standing, and they still are lovely! No matter how old you grow, even if your husband complains, I’ll always cherish the beauty in you! Happy birthday to my awesome mom.

Selamat Hari Ibu Kad

When I was young, you’ve always bugged me with doing and learning a lot of things. I even hated you for all those things. Now, I realize that it was for my good. Thank you, Mum. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, dearest mother! Mum, please always know that I love you and appreciate all the great things you have done in my life, even if I don’t have much time to show it. Today is a special day for you, I am going to be with you all through.

When I was little, you were the most beautiful woman I knew. As I grew older, you’re still the same beautiful woman. Now that I am grown, you are still simply beautiful and intelligent. I pray you know that every day. Happy birthday, Mum.

Mum, one of the things I admire about you is your ability to find joy and happiness even in the meaningless things. Happy birthday from your loving child.

Tarikh Selamat Hari Ibu Bapa


To my original best friend, I say happy birthday. Thank you for always being a friend as well as a Mum. I hope you get lots of presents on your big day.

Tarikh Selamat Hari Ibu Majlis

Growing up, there were many times when I disliked you, but there were never times when I didn’t love you. Through thick and thin you have always supported me, and I am so undeniably grateful for you, Mom.