Site abbreviations:

PLEASE NOTE: Failure to notify the Transport Control Department in writing within 21 days of any change of address renders the Motor Car Licence void. I am the owner of the residence described above and apply/give consent to register a car at this property. The form is also available for download via the link above. The form is a PDF document and cannot be completed online. Completed forms may be returned to any of the above mentioned locations or mailed to the Recruitment Officer: The Recruitment Officer. Bermuda Police Service Headquarters. Box HM 530 Hamilton HMCX Bermuda. This and other TCD forms can be downloaded from CAR OWNER DETAILS Surname Forenames Date of Birth Driver’s Licence No. Day Mth Year DETAILS OF ALL MEMBERS OF HOUSEHOLD PLEASE NOTE: Failure to notify the Transport Control Department in writing within 21 days of any change of address. Certification of title 3. Overseas vehicle registration 4. Owner’s handbook and vehicle brochure Class of car is determined by the length of the vehicle. No class of vehicle must exceed 71 inches in width. The following are Bermuda Private Motor Car classes and lengths:Class A up to 138” Class B.
06530 The registration number of ‘Delta 6’ (D6) – our old faithful, but somewhat dilapidated white estate car. A bit slow, but being in far from perfect condition, it was ideal for our work; taking you on and off road without anyone caring about the odd scratches it picked up during a tour of duty … well, unless it suited someone to care which, in my case occurred … a diary entry to follow.
253 hospital – KEMH – King Edward Memorial Hospital
1021 or 21’s – arrests; a ‘1021’ – an arrest made, you have a prisoner
1039 disqualified from driving / disqualified driver
1045 assistance required – non urgent
1055 assistance required – urgent
adj adjourned
ASNT area search no trace
att. attempt or attempted
Casemates the island’s prison
C.A.T. Civil Air Terminal – the airport at St Georges
c/i, C/I or C/ Insp Chief Inspector – at that time, Dennis Ramsey
Tcd Bermuda Car License Fees

Tcd Bermuda Car Registration Forms
Corres correspondence
Ct Court, a specific Court within the Court building at Hamilton
D6 the narcotics department’s dilapidated old white estate car – which served us well and suffered great abuse see 06530 above
DC Detective Constable
Dept department
Disq / Disqual disqualified (from driving)
East the police station at St Georges, the East end of the island.
GH Government House
HMC Hamilton Magistrates Court
HPS Hamilton Police Station
i / c in custody
info information
Intel intelligence – reports submitted providing background on people or addresses believed to be associated with crime, usually narcotics.
KEMH King Edward Memorial Hospital – the island’s hospital, also referred to as ‘253’
Kilo Truck a flat back van usually used to convey moped / motorcycles that were seized
MDA Misuse of Drugs Act
NFPA no further police action
N G not guilty
OIC Officer in Charge
OPs Operations – compound situated just below police HQ which contains the radio control room, the maintenance facility for police cars, some traffic departments and a small area for seized vehicles.
pars particulars – name, date of birth, address
Pemb. Pembroke – an area (parish) of the island
P I Prosecutions Inspector
PRC Police Recreation Club
PS Police Sergeant
Q & A Question and Answer – a form of statement; as opposed to longhand writing down of what is said, the questions are recorded together with the answers.
refs refreshments – lunch usually
retn return
SOCO Scenes Of Crime Office – photographic etc department
Soton Southampton
Sub submit or submitted i.e. a drug exhibit submitted for examination or a document submitted for typing
TCD Transport Control Department (Bermuda’s equivalent to the UK’s DVLA – driver and vehicle licensing centre).
VRA violently resisting arrest
vs. versus
West the police station at Somerset, the West end of the island.